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Whenever we listen to the word hygiene, the small measures that we take everyday for our own selves- like washing hands regularly, taking regular showers, sanitizing ourselves whenever we’re touching something we aren’t sure of etc comes to our mind.
Did you know that the same concept also applies to IT infrastructure?

What exactly does ‘cyber hygiene’ mean? Is it like regular hygiene but for computers?

Just like we humans go for regular blood tests and checkups and if we find any deviations in the reports, we immediately fill the gap with the required work and cure, taking in the right food and supplements to make ourselves back at track 100%, cyber hygiene is like taking care of your computer’s health to keep it safe and secure, just like we always keep ourselves clean.

It involves certain things and activities to make sure your computers and online presence is protected from potential problems and threats.

You know, just the way we would take care of our own house, thinking of computers as your house, CYBER HYGIENE is the routine you follow to keep it clean and secure.
This includes work like- creating strong and unique passwords, being triple careful about what you click on the internet (just like you’d be careful about touching things that might be dirty), and making sure your computer has the latest updates to fix any potential issues, just like getting vaccines to stay healthy.

In simple terms, cyber hygiene is a set of good habits and practices that help you and your computer stay safe in the online world. Just as you would keep your house clean to prevent problems, you keep your computer clean and healthy to prevent cyber issues.

Why do I need to worry about cyber hygiene? What happens if I don’t practice?

In the above paragraph, we just discussed and compared how you should compare your houses to your computers for a better understanding, and we pretty well concluded that your computer is like a house, and cyber hygiene is all about keeping your digital house clean, with regular checkups and all healthy, if you don’t practice cyber hygiene, it’s like leaving your doors wide open for bad actors.


Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)-

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security process that requires two different authentication factors before a user can access an application or system. The first factor is typically a password, and the second factor is usually a code sent to your smartphone or a biometric identifier such as your fingerprint, face, or retina.

2FA is a security process that requires users to provide two different forms of identification before accessing an account. Typically, it involves something you know (like a password) and something you have (like a temporary code generated on your phone).
When you enable 2FA, after entering your password, you’ll be prompted for a second form of verification. This can be a code sent to your mobile device, generated by an authenticator app, or received via email. Without this second piece of information, even if someone gets hold of your password, they won’t be able to access your account. Cyber hygiene is all about maintaining good practices to keep your online presence safe and secure. Passwords alone can be vulnerable, especially if they are weak or if someone manages to guess or steal them. 2 factor authentication adds an extra layer, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

Efficiently monitor and control your IT assets from a centralized hub

You can’t take care of things you’re not aware of. To make sure everything in your company is staying safe online, you need to keep an eye on all the computers and software you use. It’s like regularly checking to see if everything is okay and fixing anything that might cause problems. A centralized IT management system provides a very clear and bird-eye view of all your IT assets.
This awareness helps in understanding what devices and softwares are exactly in use.
It helps identify potential security risks by ensuring that all devices and software are accounted for. Any unfamiliar or unauthorized items can be quickly identified and addressed.

Central oversight allows you to enforce consistent security policies across all devices.


Keep Software Updated

In simple terms, keeping your software updated is like making sure your computer and its programs are using the latest versions. It’s a bit like getting the newest features for your phone or the latest fashion trend for your clothes. New updates often come with improvements that make your computer or apps run faster. It’s like getting a tune-up for your car to make it work better.
We often procrastinate, whenever installing the newest version of software comes up, but its a mistake that we’re making.
Keeping all softwares updated enhances security, and this is exactly where it ties to cyber hygiene. Updates often contain security patches that protect your computer from cyber-attacks. New updates often come with improvements that make your computer or apps run faster.

Educate Yourself About Cyber Threats, use a cyber security solution

Cyber threats refer to malicious activities or risks targeting computer systems, networks, and digital information. These threats are designed to compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of data, often with the intention of causing harm, disruption, or unauthorized access.

Understanding these cyber threats is crucial for developing effective cybersecurity strategies and implementing measures to mitigate the risks associated with evolving digital challenges.

When your organization builds the right cybersecurity framework and adheres to it, it practices
cyber hygiene.


Want an entire elaborative free awareness training for this? We’ve got your back.

Secure Your Wi-Fi Network.

Securing the Wi-Fi network in organizations is vital for maintaining cyber hygiene. Using strong login credentials adds an extra layer of security.Please check for and install the latest firmware updates for the router. Firmware updates often include security patches and improvements.

Set up a separate guest network for visitors. This ensures that guests have internet access without compromising the security of the main network.



Taking care of your cyber hygiene is really important for everyone – people, companies, and even the government. It’s like keeping your online world healthy and safe. Remember, it’s not a one-time thing; you need to pay attention regularly. By doing this, you lower the chances of bad people doing harm online, and you keep your important stuff protected. So, it’s like giving your digital life a checkup regularly to stay safe from online problems.


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